The III Monitoring Committee of the Interreg Greece-Italy VI-A Programme achieved an important result: yesterday in Bari the ranking list of 37 projects has been successfully approved under condition, for a total budget of 60 million of euros to be optimized. They already passed both the administrative evaluation (phase B1) and the qualitative one (B2) of the 1st call of the new 2021-2027 programming time. The evaluation will now follow verifying the eligibility of beneficiaries (phase B3). Upon successful verification, the projects will officially receive EU funding and proceed with implementation.
These proposals are crucial to promote innovation, sustainable development and economic growth to support local economies and citizens of the regions included in the Programme (Epirus, Ionian Islands, Western Greece, Puglia, Basilicata and Calabria) and improve their quality of life.
At the beginning of the Monitoring Committee, institutional greetings were brought by Filippo La Vecchia of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Italian national authority), by Vasiliki Pantelopoulou (Greek national authority) and by Maria Sioliou (representative of the European Commission).
The committee then entered into the heart of the discussion with an in-depth analysis of the administrative evaluation of projects by the coordinator of the Joint Secretariat, Gianfranco Gadaleta, and of the qualitative evaluation by the project officers and the Management Authority, which was also entrusted with the presentation of phase B3 by the head of MA, Maria Nezeriti, and the head of MA – Unit A (Programming and Evaluation Unit), Eva Karagianni.
In the afternoon, the work resumed with the presentation of the next “targeted calls – Operation of Strategic Importance” (by the Management Authority) for the specific objectives 2.4 (civil protection) and 4.6 (culture) and of the new Guide for beneficiaries dedicated to the communication aspects of the Programme. The future Operation of Strategic Importance (specific objective 1.3 – Economic Development) was then discussed and, in conclusion, the timing of the next calls for small on circular economy, culture & tourism and governance (within 1st semester 2025 with an approximated budget of 4,5 million of euros).
Download here the TIMETABLE OF THE PLANNED CALLS_GR-IT_2021-2027 DECEMBER 2024
Click here for the photogallery of the MC