Big success for the 1st call for proposals of common project of Interreg Greece-Italy Programme: 264 applications were submitted.
The Call was opened from 15th December 2023 to 31st January 2024 with a budget of around 45 million euros Interreg and National funds. At first sight, the high interest for the Programme’s funding scheme was confirmed by the large quantity of applications received.
The focus was on 3 priorities:
* Priority 1 Competitive & Smarter GR-IT area received 61 proposals
* Priority 2 Greener & Low Carbon GR-IT area received 91 applications
* Priority 3 Social & Inclusive GR-IT area received 112 proposals.
Available funds for the selected projects
The overall call budget is of ca. 45 million euros, but the total requests received by the applicants exceeds largely the funds the Programme made available, as the overall financial requests reached 406 million euros.