- Smart and Innovation
- Green and Low carbon
- Tourism, Culture & Social Inclusion
- Governance
Specific Objectives
SO1.1. Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies
SO1.2. Reaping the benefits of digitalisation for citizens, companies and governments
SO1.3. Enhancing growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs
Specific Objectives
SO2.4. Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account eco-system-based approaches
SO2.6. Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy
SO2.7. Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution
Specific Objectives
SO4.2. Improving equal access to inclusive and quality services in education, training and lifelong learning through developing accessible infrastructure, including by fostering resilience for distance and online education and training
SO4.5. Ensuring equal access to health care and fostering resilience of health systems, including primary care and promoting the transition from institutional to family- and community-based care
SO4.6. Enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation
Specific Objectives
SO4.1. Enhance the institutional capacity of public authorities, in particular those mandated to manage a specific territory, and all stakeholders
SO4.4. Enhance institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders to implement macro-regional strategies and sea-basin strategies, as well as other territorial strategies