Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020 programme celebrates the conclusion of 7 years of cooperation work between Puglia and Greece on Monday 27 November 2023 in Bari at the Teatro Kursaal Santa Lucia (10.00-13.00).
The event entitled FUTURE: INSPIRED BY THE SEA brings together stories, emotions, projects, difficulties and results achieved in 7 years of cooperation and thanks to funds of European Union with an investment of 123 million euro on the territory of the Puglia Region, the Region of Epirus, the Region of Ionian Islands and the Region of Western Greece: 7 years lived intensely facing a very difficult period of the pandemic, when all projects were reinvented.
The Youth Band “Banda Viva del Liceo Don Milani di Acquaviva delle Fonti”, will open the event,which involves the 59 funded with more over 600 Italian and Greek institutions such as Universities, Regions, Municipalities, Chambers of Commerce of Puglia and Greece, with the common objective of territorial develpment and improving the citizens life in the fields of innovation, tourism, culture, environment, social inclusion and transport.
Music, dance, theatre, videos, stories: everyone will express their own experience and share their results, such as the realisation of the first public network of maritime architecture with the restoration and rehabilitation of 3 lighthouses and 3 coastal towers in Puglia and 11 monuments including castles and fortresses in Greece, the first network of public hostels along the Apulian Via Francigena paths, through the renovation of 11 buildings in Apulia and 8 in Greece, the story of young start-ups that have grown and strengthened thanks to cross-border contamination.
The speakers will be Maria Nezeriti, Managing Authority of the Interreg Greece-Italy 2021-2027, Gianna Elisa Berlingerio, Economic Development Department of Puglia Region, Giuseppe Rubino Territorial Cooperation Special Structure of Puglia Region, followed by Viviana Russo of the Italian Territorial Cohesion Agency and and Gianfranco Gadaleta of the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme for the period 2014-2020.
The event’s conclusions will be given by Alessandro delli Noci, Council Member of Economic Development of Puglia Region, who supervised and guided the implementation of the projects and coordinated all activities on the Italian side.
The event, hosted by Antonio Stornaiolo, directed by Tonio De Nitto and general organisation by Carmela Sfregola, is the story of a journey, and every journey has its inspiration. What inspires this journey is the sea, with a destination, the most beautiful: the future.
An idea of the future, which finds its main inspiration in the sea and which, in the 7 years of cooperation between Greece and Italy, has given impetus and energy to many stories.
The event will be streamed on the Programme’s Facebook page at the following link
Discover the final programme here