For the recruitment of the Joint Secretariat of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme “Interreg VI-A Greece-Italy 2021-2027”, the following Calls were published, according to the Puglia Region Decision “N. 00015 del 05/03/2024 del Registro delle Determinazioni della AOO 201 / Codice CIFRA (Identificativo Proposta): 201/DIR/2024/00021“. The relevant Job Vacancies are related to: a) one (1) position for Coordinator b) three (3) project officer positions and c) one (1) Communication Officer position.
In detail:
A1) Vacancy Notice for the recruitment of a Coordinator: HERE
A2) Application Form for the Coordinator position: HERE
B1) Vacancy Notice for the recruitment of 3 Project Officers: HERE
B2) Application Form for the Project Officer positions: HERE
C1) Vacancy Notice for the recruitment of a Communication Officer: HERE
C2) Application Form for the Communication Officer position: HERE