The discussions for the future of INTERREG after 2027 are already taking place. In this context, the European Commission, before taking decisions on the future of […]
For the recruitment of the Joint Secretariat of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme “Interreg VI-A Greece-Italy 2021-2027”, the following Calls were published, according to the Puglia Region […]
In the context of “REGIOSTARS 2024” competition, projects implemented under Interreg Programmes can apply via the competition platform by 31 May. Τhis year, beneficiaries can apply […]
Big success for the 1st call for proposals of common project of Interreg Greece-Italy Programme: 264 applications were submitted. The Call was opened from 15th December […]
We inform all the potential beneficiaries that the deadline of the first call expires strictly on 13.00 italian time – 14.00 greek time. The MIS will […]
We inform the potential beneficiaries of the first call for proposals of common projects that body code requests can be sent no later than 30th January […]
We would like to inform all the potential beneficiaries of the first call for proposals of common projects that the deadline for submission of concept notes […]